Kantorovich Problem

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The Kantrovich problem admits a dual because it is a linear minimization problem with convex constraints.

Shipping problem

Suppose there is a merchant who is attempting to ship their items from one place to another. They can hire trucks at some cost for each unit of merchandise which is shipped from point to point . Now the shipper is approached by a mathematician, who claims that prices can be set such that they align with the shipper's financial interests. This would be achieved by setting the price and such that the sum of and is always less than the cost . This may even involve setting negative prices in certain cases. However, it can be shown that the shipper will spend almost as much as they would have if they had opted for the original pricing method.

Kantrovich's Optimal Transport Problem

Given and



Kantorovich Duality Statement


Kantorovich's Optimal Transport Problem: given and




Let where are Polish spaces. Let be a lower semi-continuous cost function.

Kantorovich's Optimal Transport Problem

Define as in the following:

given and

Minimize: over

and by (need reference 3.1)

Let be defined by where the inequality is understood to hold for -almost every and -almost every .



An article on Kantorovich problem References Villani (1-3, 6-9), Santambrogio (xv-xvii,1-9)

Kantorovich Problem

Advantages of Kantorovich Problem




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