Fenchel-Rockafellar and Linear Programming

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The Fenchel-Rockafellar Theorem is a minimax principle especially suited to converting between primal and dual linear programs.

The Fenchel-Rockafellar Theorem

Suppose and are convex, lower semicontinuous, proper functions which are both finite at some , and is continuous there. Then

where the existence of the minimizer on the right hand side is part of the theorem.

Proof Sketch

Details may be found in Brezis' text[1], but a sketch of the proof follows.

By Young's Inequality, for any and , we have , so the infimum on the left is less than or equal to the supremum on the right. If the supremum is , equality must be obtained and every must realize it; otherwise assume everywhere. (INCOMPLETE)

Application to Linear Programs

Consider the linear program[2]

where , , and . Then if we put
(noting that and are both convex lower semicontinuous proper functions), we are interested in computing and . By writing the latter as , we can see that we have a finite value of if and only if for some , and the value is then the infimum of where . Putting this together, the Fenchel-Rockafellar Theorem gives that
provided we can find a point of continuity and mutual finiteness for and .

To do this, we use our knowledge of and to be more precise about the functions. In particular, if we write and for the projections, and put , , , and (which do satisfy , justifying the notation) we get (writing inequalities termwise)

So, if some point in the interior of is mapped strictly greater than by and onto by , we may write the duality result in the more customary way,
